AuSIM Engineering Solutions AuTrakTM

AuTrakTM is collection of software components for relative and absolute spatial six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) position and orientationtracking on the Win32 platform.  AuTrakTM includes three major components:
  • AuTrak32TM
    AuTrak32TM is a software development kit (SDK) for the Win32 platform designed for developers of interactive simulation applications.  At the core of AuTrak32TM is a C++ class library implementing the AuTrakTM application programming interface (API).  Developers simply write to the one tracking API, link to the AuTrak32TM library, and their code instantly supports nearly a dozen tracking instruments, interchangeably. 
    • C++ library of tracker classes,
    • hotlinked WinHelp and HTML documentation,
    • the AuTrakAppTM tracker applet,
    • miscellaneous tools such as port snoopers, port terminals, tracker emulators, etc.
    • and lots of demo code for console, MFC, and OWL applications.
    The AuTrakTM API comes implemented for Win32 in single-threaded and multi-threaded static and dynamic libraries for Microsoft, Borland, and Intel linkers. 

  • AuTrakASyncTM
    AuTrakASyncTM is a set of tools developed on top of AuTrak32TM libraries providing the lowest latency, high-performance tracking with each supported instrument, through asynchronous sampling.  Asynchronous tracking decouples an application's simulation loop rate from the tracker's sampling rate.  The rate decoupling combined with timestamping empowers an application to receive the absolute freshest data.  The key component of AuTrakASyncTM is a Win32 service that boots, configures, and samples a selected tracking instrument at its highest sampling rate.  Tracking data, timestamped to the microsecond, is stored in shared system memory for access by any number of client applications. 
    • Asynchronous tracking service,
    • client monitor,
    • C++ client library,
    • demo client applications.
    AuTrakASyncTM supports both Euler and quaternion orientations, even if not supported natively by the selected tracking instrument.  The AuTrakASyncTM client API is a single C++ class that comes implemented for Win32 in single-threaded and multi-threaded static and dynamic libraries for Microsoft, Borland, and Intel linkers.  AuTrakASyncTM can be purchased bundled with AuTrak32TM, as an upgrade, or as an independent component. 

  • AuTrakMatlabTM
    AuTrakMatlab is a collection of m-files and mex-files interfacing any 6DOF tracker with the Matlab mathematical environment.  Not only can realtime data be sampled from within Matlab, but a Matlab user has complete interactive control of the instrument.  Command line tools as well as a graphical user interface are provided.  Additionally, a GUI tool is provided to visualize realtime tracking data in 3D graphics within a Matlab graph.  AuTrakMatlabTM directly supports synchronous tracking, and can provide asynchronous tracking through AuTrakASync.  AuTrakMatlabTM supports Matlab 4, using the Win16 Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and the AuTrakAppTM DDE server from the AuTrak32 component. AuTrakMatlabTM can be purchased bundled with AuTrak32TM, as an upgrade, or as an independent component. 

AuTrakTM supports absolute 6DOF tracking instruments from Polhemus, Ascension Technologies, InterSense, Logitech, and Fakespace Labs.  AuTrak32TM is provided as added value with any tracking instrument bought through AuSIM, Inc.  The complete AuTrakTM collection can be purchased as a bundle or in individual components.

AuSIM Home Last update: 4 Dec 2001