AuSIM Engineering Solutions AuSIM CircuitManager

The CircuitManager is a digital audio communications router.  The CircuitManager generally runs on its own hardware, but can be designed for co-residence with a GoldServer in smaller communications systems.  Multiple CircuitManagers can be synchronized to realize larger systems. 

The CircuitManager is the result of object-oriented layering as depicted in the table below:

Communications Applications CircuitManager functionality specific to communications applications, such as grouping channels into circuits and granting exclusive ownership.
General Audio Mixing MatrixMixer functionality for mixing any input channel with any output channel.
Base Audio Management ChannelManager functionality for low-latency digital audio channel management and distribution.

The object-oriented design of the system allows each layer to inherit all of the functionality and benefit of the lower layers.  For instance, every GoldMiner system leverages a ChannelManager to get audio in and out of the system.  Thus the CircuitManager can completely replace a ChannelManager in any GoldMiner system.  Similarly, the CircuitManager inherits the power of the MatrixMixer.  The MatrixMixer is capable of mixing a matrix of 64 inputs with 64 outputs (over 4000 mix points).  This is an enormous capability.  Most commercially available matrix mixers are 8x8 (64 mix points).  Leveraging the MatrixMixer, the CircuitManager can collect any subset of 64 inputs and create 64 independent mix circuits. 

The CircuitManager is the defining component of the AuSIM Multi-Voice Presence System (MVP).

AuSIM Home Products Search Last update: 17 Sep 2003