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Technology, Systems, and Services for 3D Sound Applications
Audio simulation and dynamic 3D audio have finally reached the maturity to be embedded in mission-critical industries.  AuSIM is here to support early adopters and product developers, as well as researchers, with a breadth of enabling products to transfer this amazing capability from our shop to yours. 

The GoldSeries servers are designed for developers and researchers who need the highest performance to help define their specific needs.  The voice communications (VOX) solutions are ready-to-deploy solutions for advanced communications systems. 

AuSIM's measurement systems were originally designed for field-deployment, but are also popular with researchers.  The measurement systems and unique components have been subsequently enhanced to better support research

AuSIM's unique software solutions solve problems for 3D audio, tracking, and research

Additionally AuSIM vends carefully selected complementary hardware from select manufacturers including RME, Sennheiser, Meyer, Hosa, InterSense, and Polhemus, to complete and expand 3D audio systems at competitive prices. 

AuSIM openly publishes the AHM File-Format in terms of the specification, source code, and tools. 

AuSIM's solutions are based on our proprietary technology called AuSIM3D®, a set of complex mathematical models based on the physics of sound waves.  AuSIM GoldSeries™ Systems are integrated packages for delivering the AuSIM3D® technology to almost any computing platform.  At the core of all GoldSeries systems is AuSIM's GoldServer™, a complete sound peripheral.  Other components of any GoldSeries system typically include headphones, position trackers, analog audio converters, cables, enclosure, along with system and client software ... LEARN MORE.   AuSIM also provides a matrix of features to help compare features of models within the GoldSeries ... LEARN MORE. AuSIM GoldSeries
AuSIM HeadZap HRTF Measurement System A large portion of aural research involves the measurement of hearing characteristics.  In addition, achieving the maximum effect of vectorized audio calls for the use of individual transfer functions (HRTFs) for each listener.  AuSIM offer two measuring instruments to support this important area.  AuProbe™ is a multi-source, multi-sink audio system identification software-instrument for generalized audio measurement.  The HeadZap™ system specifically measures acoustic head maps (AHM's) from human, animal, and manikin subjects.  Measurement system components, such as software and specially developed measurement loudspeakers and microphones are available independently.  ... LEARN MORE
In a complex working environment, communications between a group of participants can be difficult.  When external communications are added, chaos often ensues.  MVP, or Multi-Voice Presence systems were developed assist to control the presentation of these diverse voice sources through vectorization.  This allows the listener to monitor many communication sources while keeping the ability to identify specific "voice". ... LEARN MORE AuSIM GoldSeries
Ralph Rendograph Software is the heart of AuSIM technology.  AuSIM has developed a suite of technology components, applets, tools, application development kits, demos, and sample applications that can support a variety of platforms.  ... LEARN MORE
AuSIM provides complete solutions for audio research and development groups and deployed systems, including a wide selection of cables, headphones and headsets, patch panels, mixers and amplifiers, and head trackers, as well as specialized parts for hearing measurement ... LEARN MORE
Cables Addaboxes Headphones
Patch Panels Trackers Amplifiers
AuSIM has a staff of experienced engineering talent with extensive experience in all aspects of audio engineering, and we can provide engineering and support services to our customers.  This can take the form of contract hardware and software engineering, application development, sound and studio design, and maintenance contracts. ... LEARN MORE Licensing of AuSIM's Intellectual Property, including AuSIM3D® and AuTrak™ technologies is available for specific markets.  AuSIM3D® can be ported to a broad variety of CPU families and operating systems, and incorporated into other applications. Porting and application development can be provided by AuSIM, if appropriate.  For more information, please contact AuSIM.
The API used by AuSIM, CRE_TRON, has been in use in the research and simulation world for nearly 10 years.  It is supported directly or indirectly throughout the audio and simulation communities ... LEARN MORE A broad selection of AuSIM software, cables, and other audio components are available for purchase online.
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© AuSIM Inc. 1998-2014.    Last updated on  Friday, January 31, 2014