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AuSIM Applications
AuSIM Applications
What our customers do with the technology
[Aural Information Display]
[Team Communications]
[Simulation-based Training]
[Acoustic Simulation]
[Location-Based Entertainment]
[Basic Research]
The AuSIM3D® technology
has a broad array of viable uses in the military, industrial, and consumer worlds.
These have been coarsely divided into
generalized categories.
Aural Information Display |
AuSIM3D increases information bandwidth and situational
awareness while reducing visual information overload. Transient irregularities
that can be difficult to spot visually are much more noticeable when auralized,
because we can hear in all directions at once. Positional aural displays are
important upgrades for Flight Cockpit, Air Traffic Control, Auto Displays, Sonar
Displays, Dismounted Warfighters, 911 Operators, Dispatchers, Dismounted Warfighters,
Cellular Phones
Team Communications |
Bring clarity and organization to your headphone presentation
with audio simulation technology from AuSIM.
AuSIM's positional 3D audio, the
most accurate on the market, enhances identification and distinguishability of
individual voice channels, alert signals, and other aurally displayed messages
to dramatically increase user performance and efficiency
Simulation-based Training |
Virtual Environment (VE) technology has emerged as
one of the most promising new training tools.
While high-resolution graphical displays are important,
a multi-sensory representation of an environment presents
a much more convincing illusion, and the most significant factor in accurately
presenting a sound field is the selection of aural cues,
such as those provided by AuSIM3D®.
Systems can help train vehicle operators, equipment operators,
firefighters, security personnel, war fighters
Engineering Simulation |
Structural acoustics, architectural design, forensics, environmental acoustics,
and many other fields have computed or projected sound and noise effects
for many years, usually generating in a numerical result.
But what does this mean to the customer?
Is 30dB down in the 5th octave really audible in the given context?
AuSIM3D® is the most advanced,
real-time sound propagation engine using physics-based models.
Location-Based Entertainment |
Location-Based Entertainment (LBE) has been a major consumer market segment for centuries,
as it includes spectator-oriented theatre (i.e. Shakespeare),
participant-oriented group games (i.e. Capture the Flag)
and carnivals, which mix spectating and participating.
The modern world has added great derivations to the LBE variety,
including world fairs, theme parks, casinos,
cinenma, mini-golf, laser tag, and arcades of all types.
Basic Research |
AuSIM provides the most flexible, expandable 3D audio simulation development systems
for research in Psycho-Acoustics, Human Perception, Learning Processes, Performance Enhancement,
Bio-Engineering, Immersive Environments, Telepresence