Welcome to AuSIM; leaders in 3D sound technology
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About AuSIM
The company and the technology
AuSIM, Inc., founded in 1998 originally in Palo Alto, now with facilities in Mountain View, California, is a leading developer and provider of audio simulation, positional (3D) sound, and audio measurement solutions that enhance sound perception.
Audio simulation is the aural parallel to its more broadly recognized sister technology, visual simulation.  While visual simulation relies heavily upon computer graphics, audio simulation is typically implemented with digital signal processing.  However, both technologies are about synthesizing and presenting images representing objects or events that may not currently physically exist.  AuSIM specializes in audio simulation that requires instantaneous changes in the sound presentation, such as a vehicle streaking by the listener. 

Applications for audio simulation, however, extend far beyond accompanying visual simulation - while applications do include training simulations, they also extend to real-life situations where an operator/listener must simultaneously monitor multiple channels.  Working closely with government, university, and corporate research laboratories, AuSIM provides the latest aural technology to customers requiring precise sound simulation. 

AuSIM's high performance audio servers support industry-leading operating systems, including versions of Windows, Linux, and Unix.  AuSIM also is available to provide consulting expertise in acoustic theory, wave mechanics, linear systems, control systems, signal processing, and real-time system engineering.

The Technology AuSIM's products and AuSIM3D® technology are based on real-world modeling
Primers Basic information on the nature of sound and how it can be simulated
FAQs Questions we are often asked about AuSIM and the technology
Glossary Many, many strange new words to describe the phenomena
AHM Acoustic Head Maps, an open shared format for exchanging 3D audio data
Press Releases The latest news about AuSIM
Events What, where, when? See it here first.
Newsletters Irregularly scheduled wrap-ups of all that is AuSIM
Origins How AuSIM got started through NASA, CRE, and Aureal.
An AuSIM Decade The first ten years of AuSIM, a tale of innovation and perseverence.
Code Gens The lineage of AuSIM3D technology through code generations.
Academic AuSIM3D is very well used in research, but what about other academic opportunities?
Employment Interested in a career in leading-edge audio?
Team Loft AuSIM's software team loft, available to startups as a shared facility.
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© AuSIM Inc. 1998-2014.    Last updated on  Thursday, April 3, 2014